Thursday, 15 April 2010

6. The Writer

Yeah, it's been a while since I last posted but this time it's because the muse had a lot of steam to let off. I've been writing 'Rehab' which is only 3/4 chapters away from the end, it's very scary for me to be so close to finishing a story. I know it doesn't stop there, once I've written that last chapter I'll have to go back and edit, without going back I already know what parts of the story need to be rewritten etc.

I don't want to jinx myself, so I'm not going to pat myself on the back just yet. When I've finally written the last word, only then will I have broken the curse, though if I think about it I have finished longer stories just not original. I wrote a lot for Supernatural; being a fan from the very beginning I got the writing bug, and who wouldn't with the deeply scarred Winchester brothers and their paranormal lives?! Everyone loves heroes!

I'm not as confident about the story arc as I was in the previous seasons but I will always be a fan of the show, characters and creators, I will see it to the end. After all, it blessed me with the thirst to write again and to think outside of the box, explore other worlds and creatures, myths and legends. I've completed seventeen stories out of eighteen, five of which are multi-chaptered! I love fanfiction and I'm not ashamed to say it, I've read authors who should be published, and let's face it, if Stephenie Meyers could get published…so the talented fanfic writers should have nothing to worry about, it’s a great way to hone your writing skills.

My strength and weakness when it comes to writing both original and fanfiction is that I create complex storylines; it becomes my weakness when the story gets bogged down with too much mystery and not enough answers, well until the end. Now with this current fanfiction story I'm working on 'Night Crawlers' which is a story using the characters of Vampire Diaries and forcing them to interact with my original characters, Uri Osborne, Lily Osborne, Orlando and Laila Benjamin. It quickly became one of my more complicated attempts at supernatural because I'm integrating the back stories of my original characters.

Now, since I started posting I've developed quite a following which is a real good boost to my ego, a lot of readers are loving the intensity of it and the interaction between the characters, especially my accurate portrayal of the existing character. They comment on Damon, Stefan, Elena, Bonnie and Uri mostly. BUT! Yes, there is and always will be but when you're a writer. A few new readers are finding it difficult to understand, some are confused because of how much is going on but I undoubtedly know where this story is going and I'm pretty certain how it's going to end. How do I respond to the confused without giving what Uri has planned away?

Do I tell them; hey not to worry all will become clear soon? Or do I explain what will soon be explained as the story develops anyway? I hate that they're confused, and I can't blame them because I know sometimes I get carried away with my plots but honestly, I love this story and my characters and I just want my readers to enjoy it. It’s a little off putting when a few are like “I’m lost.” Annoyingly enough it’s always the reviews that are not so positive that stay on the mind for days.

So far five chapters are up and the sixth one is quite revealing of my main OC's possible motives but it's my intention to create doubt in the readers, he's generally not to be trusted but somehow he is still growing on the readers. LOL He makes their bones chill and yet they love to read him, I guess that's one thing to celebrate but I know a few readers personally, and what they expect from me is Uri to turn good which he's not capable of for long periods of time. Sorry guys! I’m an unpredictable writer, always have been. =D

Any who, it took me a long time to post chapter five and it did not go down well with the readers, so of course I'll have to clean six before I go hospital with my sister tomorrow, so she can get her line flushed and then read it again when I get back before I post. I hope everyone likes it and I seriously hope it answers enough of their questions for the time being.

And here I was thinking this would be a short post. HA

Title info. Ellie Goulding

Bonne nuit,


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